Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Le Quitting

A friend wrote to me and told me how disappointed he was that I was discontinuing Le Blog and said:

I like to get to "hear" your voice and experience your charm thru the blog and I imagine others feel the same way.

Thanks KDR, that's really sweet and I promise to keep trying to write.

Btw I'm not quitting Le Blog. My last blog post was an attempt to return to honesty and say what I think and write how I write now, as opposed to trying to recapture a past me who wrote differently. I don't think I would end or leave Le Blog. I did cheat on Le Blog though at one point. We were going through a rough patch and I swear I was thinking of Le Blog the whole time. Le Blog and I are working things through now (as you have been privy to)...I'm not sure what will happen with Le Nouveau Monde. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I leave you with more Zach Galifianakis.


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